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Dear Coaches,

First and foremost, we welcome you as a volunteer coach within our organization and look forward to an awesome season.  During each season, we will continue to focus on the health and safety of you, our coaches, as well as our players, families, spectators, etc . by adhering to information from organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as other state or federal guidelines and recommendations in order to decrease the spread of Covid-19 and other communicable diseases.  Listed below are some of the health and safety guidelines that our coaches are expected to adhere to:

  • Health and safety guidelines initiated by our organization
  • Use sanitizer as needed (hands, equipment between use)
  • Report any symptoms immediately

Thank you for continuing the fun and helping to keep safe!


Jimmy and  Cheryl Washington 

JCW Foundation, Inc.



JCW Foundation, Inc. Coach’s Code of Conduct

All volunteer coaches are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct:

1.     We will strive to make practice fun and devote adequate time to developing players.

2.     All coaches and life coaches will encourage positive behaviors on and off the field.

3.     The use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol is strictly prohibited at any JCW Foundation, Inc. Activity. Spectators, coaches, and parents will refrain from use during any JCW Foundation, Inc. event.

4.     We will learn the rules, and we will teach the rules to our players.

5.     We will always lead by example with our actions, our words, and our behavior.

6.     We will place the emotional and physical wellbeing of our players ahead of personal desire to win.

7.     We will use appropriate language when we are communicating with others.  We will not use derogatory comments—including by not limited to profanity, bullying, or offensive remarks—directed towards players or referees. Constructive criticism is acceptable, but what we are not going to do is tear down or belittle these young people.

8.     We will treat all with dignity and respect.

9.     We will strive to get every player’s skill set up to participate in the league.

10.  We will recognize the differences of each child and treat each child as an individual and demonstrate concern for individual needs. 

11.  We will provide a safe playing environment for all players, spectators, and officials.

12.  We will maintain a high level of awareness of potential unsafe conditions such as inclement weather, inadequate fields, and faulty equipment.

13.  We will maintain a level of supervision over the kids while at practice or games.

JCW Foundation, Inc. is asking all to pledge and adhere to the code of conduct set forth at JCW Foundation, Inc.


3654 Government Street, Suite 9
Alexandria, LA  71302

Background Authorization Form

In connection with my desire to serve as a Volunteer with JCW Foundation, Inc., I understand that a "background check" will be requested by JCW Foundation, Inc. for Volunteer purposes from Protect Youth Sports or the Alexandria Police Department. While the report will contain information primarily about me relating to my criminal history, I understand that other information may be included, such as, driving and/or motor vehicle records, social security number verification, verification of education or employment history, or other background checks. Such reports may be obtained at any time after receipt of this Disclosure and Authorization and if I become a Volunteer, throughout the course of my Volunteer service as permitted by law unless revoked by me in writing.

Applicant Name:


Phone Number:

Email Address:

Social Security Number:

Date of Birth:

Drivers License Number or State ID/Issuing State:

Acknowledgement and Authorization

By signing below, I voluntarily and knowingly authorize JCW Foundation, Inc. or its authorized agents to obtain or prepare “background checks” about me.


Today’s Date:

JCW Foundation, Inc.

3654 Government Street, Suite 9
Alexandria, Louisiana 71302

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